Pot for Pets: A Growing Trend?

(Milwaukee)--The topic of medical marijuana use seems to sprout up just about every week in the headlines. Now the argument in favor of it appears to be having some legs to it. Or should we saw paws?

I traveled quite a distance to cover this story, an hour west of Detroit, Michigan in fact. Through extensive research and the help of social media, we found one woman giving marijuana to her dog.

Ashley Duval loves playing with her bundle of joy, but she’s says her 4 and a half year old pure bread Rutweiler Rodney can be a spaz. So she gives him Cannabis Oil to help calm his nerves everyday. She says she sees the results almost immediately with no side effects either.

This isn’t the first pet she’s treated with a form of marijuana. Another dog, named Nikko, had bone cancer. It caused one of his legs to be amputated. She ended up giving him a stronger dose of the oil containing THC. This ingredient in pot is what gets you high. She believes it gave him at least another year and a half of a good quality life.

Duval, who works in animal research, has bad back issues, so doctors prescribe her marijuana. This is legal in Michigan, one of about twenty states where it is legal. It's not in Wisconsin. She divides her medication up between herself and her animal. She smokes her portion usually once a week and the rest she “cooks” and turns into oil. What she’s giving her pet is against the law in any state.

Certified animal behavior consultant Darlene Arden is a supporter of what Duval is doing. Arden says given the right dose and careful administering, pot can be as, if not more, effective than any prescription or holistic drug on the market. The real issue, according to her, is better overall awareness as to what we’re giving our pets.

Kerry Malak with Wauwatosa Veterinary Clinic is wary though of marijuana being used in the first place. She, like so many in her industry, err on the side of caution since pot isn't even FDA approved for animals. But she is open to more extensive research. Those with a “higher” outlook for their animals agree as well. But in the meantime, they continue giving their furry family members what they believe to be the best quality of life.

If you are giving your animal medical marijuana you are urged to tell your veterinarian and work with them since there could be a bad reaction with other prescribed drugs.

There is a brand new hemp drug on the market, perfectly legal for animals. For more information, visit www.Canna-Pet.com.
Also, check out http://www.petinsurance.com/healthzone/pet-articles/pet-health-toxins/Toxic-Medications-for-Pets.aspx to learn about what drugs overall are dangerous for pets.

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