Police take 3 suspects into custody after stolen car chase

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A police chase ends with multiple suspects in custody near Bayshore Mall in Milwaukee.
Around 6:15 p.m. police tried to pull over the a reckless driver near 7th and Keefe in Milwaukee. The car did not stop. Police then found out the car was stolen and began a chase, but then terminated it.
About 15 minutes later the car crashed into a traffic light near I-43 and Silver Spring Drive and ended up in a ditch. That's where Milwaukee Police brought 3 people into custody involved with the incident.
An officer directed traffic for almost 2 hours as the DOT made sure the electrical wiring was safe where the traffic pole was downed.
Milwaukee Fire Department also responded to spray down the stolen vehicle so it wouldn't catch on fire while being towed.
Glendale Police also assisted. The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office helped block off roads near the crash site. No one was hurt in the incident.