Online Drivers-Ed in Port Washington for all students in Wisconsin
PORT WASHINGTON- Port Washington High School is the first and only Wisconsin High School to offer an online driver’s education course.
Most schools in the state dropped drivers-ed years ago because it was costly.
This course is approved by the Department of Public Instruction and is divided into 40 sections.
Each section is 45 minutes long. You can take one section a day.
There will be a quiz at the end of each section that you must pass with a score of 80% or better to move on to the next section.
The fee for this course is $129 and it is open to students across Wisconsin.
The school admits it is pricey, but said that parents are paying for convenience for themselves and their children.
\"The parent doesn't need to drop off and pick the kid up 15 to 30 times,\" Scott Bretl, creator of the course and the online instructor at Port Washington, said.
The students can also do the sections at their own pace.
While it is more accessible, Port Washington Principal Eric Burke stressed that doesn't make it easier.
Burke called the curriculum rigorous.
The course has been open since September and has seen twelve sign-ups so far.
Two of those sign-ups are from Port Washington and the other ten are from outside the city.
Bretl is planning on doing more promotion to get the word for students across the state.
Check it out HERE