Milwaukee man chases firefighters around truck at vigil

Travis Babbs was charged for alleged battery to a firefighter after he allegedly chased firefighters around the fire truck and then punched a firefighter. 
Vigil was held on September 5 at the intersection of North 60 Street and West Capitol Drive in Milwaukee. 
Babbs was in attendance. 
During the vigil, a person began to suffer seizure-like symptoms and the Milwaukee Fire Department was called to respond. 
Several police squads were also at the vigil. 
The crowd became unruly and more police were called to the scene. 
Firefighters attempted to go to their truck to await arrival of extra squads. 
Babbs and several other attendees chased the firefighters around the truck. 
He grabbed a firefighter by the arm adn collar and shoved him into the truck. He then shouted \"I'm gonna kill you.\"
At some point during the incident, the firefighter was hit in the face. But the firefighter was not sure who hit him. 
The firefighter is sure Babbs is the one who grabbed his arm and shoved him into the truck. 
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