Milwaukee holds vigil in support of Charlottesville victims

NOW: Milwaukee holds vigil in support of Charlottesville victims

In Milwaukee, more than a hundred people gathered to support the counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville.

The vigil was held in Garden Park on Locust Street in the Riverwest neighborhood.

Organizers say the hatred that sparked yesterday's violence has no place in America and that their support has to drown out the message that brought Charlottesville to the brink. 

"We see a growing tide of hate in this country and we want to stand up to that. We want to stand up to the hateful rhetoric of that... that we think is coming from this administration. And we want to show that there's mass opposition to it. That regular, everyday people are in opposition to this," said John, the organizer.

Heather Heyer's was remembered during the vigil as well as the 19 other victims who survived the crash. 

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