ME's Office: Suspected drug overdoses killed 13 people over weekend

ME’s Office: Suspected drug overdoses killed 13 people over weekend

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Even in the midst of a global pandemic, addiction doesn't stop. The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner says suspected drug overdoses killed more than a dozen people over the weekend. 

Meta House is a Milwaukee non-profit that provides addiction services to women and families. They want people struggling with addiction while stuck in isolation to know that help is available. 

"People don't think to give us a call. They don't think that there are any services still out there. And so I think it's important to get the word out there that there is treatment still going on and that people can seek services," said Christine Ullstrup, Vice President of Clinical Services and Programming for Meta House. 

Meta House is still offering outpatient services via Telehealth. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, call 414-977-5884 or CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment. 

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