Mequon police respond after caller reports seeing a "young cougar"
On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 6:25pm, the Mequon Police Department received an unverified report of a cougar being observed in the 600 block of W. Bonniwell Road.
The Mequon resident who called to report the sighting said he saw “a young cougar” in the woods east of the railroad tracks.
Mequon Police Officers responded to the area but did not find any such animals.
Officers did note hoof prints from the many deer that frequent the area, but no cougar-like paw prints.
The Mequon Police Department has been in contact with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regarding the reported observation. DNR officials advised that citizens can access the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website at and fill out the online form for “Large Mammal Observation.”
Any additional DNR questions can be directed to 1-800-847-9367.
Mequon Police will respond to reported sightings and can be contacted at (262) 242-3500.