Menomonee Falls Residents Say No to New Businesses During Village Meeting
MENOMONEE FALLS - People in Menomonee Falls are pushing back against a few businesses trying to open up there.
They said no to a gas station and a hotel during a village meeting tonight. The message to these two businesses was a loud and clear "not in my backyard." People saying there are too many gas stations here already and that an extended stay chain with a checkered past has no place here. But, only one of them has been cleared to build in Menomonee Falls.
That's the Kwik Trip. The council voted to allow a space that's been vacant for years to bring in the business. Dozens stood against it to protect local businesses, prevent light pollution, and limit the number of gas stations. But, it only took one voice to pause the councils discussion about whether to allow Woodsprings Suites to build on Leon Road. Several other cities including Milwaukee have blocked the extended stay because they have a history of problems with prostitution, drugs, and other crimes. The business says they've turned things around and are looking for better communities to build their businesses.
The council decided to table the decision on giving them a permit for another meeting. The company says they hope to work with the police department to find a solution.
Whether to give Woodsprings a permit will be a discussion for the Planning Commission meeting on April 4th.