Man arrested After Battering, Choking, And Sexually Assaulting Ex-Girlfriend
NEW BERLIN - Shortly before 4 a.m. Saturday morning, officers from the New Berlin Police Department responded to a domestic violence related incident at an apartment complex on West National Avenue.
A 24-year-old male forced entry into his 18-year-old ex-girlfriend's apartment and armed himself with a knife. The suspect male struck a 25-year-old male present, battered and choked the female, threatened to kill her with the knife, and sexually assaulted her before he fled the scene.
The female and the 25-year-old male were treated by medical personnel.
New Berlin officers were assisted by officers from several other jurisdictions, who located and arrested the male suspect nearby. The male was transported to the Waukesha County Jail. Several criminal charges against the suspect male will be referred to the Waukesha County District Attorney's Office.