Local plumbing company busy with temperature changes, pipes bursting

WEST ALLIS  -- It has been a 24-hour-a-day job for workers at Milwaukee Plumbing & Piping the last few days.

They've been constantly responding to service calls.  Most dealing with pipes bursting.

Ed Prusak is the company's vice president.  He says wind can get into small crevices in your home and potentially freeze pipes.  He said you should check the caulk on your house. 

He also said if the walls inside your home feel cold, you should make sure any pipes behind there are insulated and okay.

\"If you notice water leaking,\" Prusak said. \"Go down and shut the water off by your meter or well.  That would be the first thing to do.  You should know where that is before weather like this even happens.\"

You can also leave the faucet on a drip to keep the pipes from freezing.

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