Local businesses prepare for DNC 'footprint'
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee is now about half a year away from hosting the Democratic National Convention.
On Friday, officials shared an update on security measures.
Officials with the city, police department, secret service and the DNC established what they're calling a security "footprint" for the convention. It's not a hard perimeter, but it's something that officials want people to be aware of.
The footprint area, which will be installed the weekend before the convention, has borders of Cherry Street on the north, Water Street to the east, Clybourn to the south and 10th Street to the west.
People and businesses inside the footprint are still feeling out how all of this will impact them.
Businesses are looking to this week's President Trump rally as a soft guide.
"None of the businesses in this area will have to close down for the DNC, which is incredible," said Urban Beets General Manager Quinn Derive.
Derive got a taste of what life might be like when President Trump held a rally a few blocks away.
"There was definitely security around. There were a lot of people walking back and forth. We had a lot of the protesters come in."
He's been to a political convention before and says this area -- what officials are calling the footprint -- could get messy.
"At the 2008 RNC, there were barriers that were like check-ins. Parking is not going to be fun for anybody in this area for that week. I'm positive about that."
Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales guaranteed minimal disruption besides traffic.
"Every resident will have access to their home," he said. "The rest of the city will receive the same level of service that they receive on any given day."
The people in charge of it all say the planning's ahead of schedule, even as details remain sparse.
"Those questions are being answered incrementally as the security decisions are taking shape," said Westown Association Executive Director Stacie Callies. "I'm not sure if it'll be good or bad."
A key for Urban Beets and everyone else in the footprint will be flexibility.
Another logistical wrinkle with all of this is deliveries. Any food or supplies going to bars and restaurants in the footprint will need to be scheduled with law enforcement.