'Last birthday before heaven': Shawano Co. sheriff asks for letters for young girl with terminal cancer

SHAWANO COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The sheriff of Shawano County is encouraging people to send letters to bring joy on the 11th birthday of a girl with a terminal cancer diagnosis. 

Shawano County Sheriff Adam Bieber shared more about 11-year-old Aubree's story in a touching Facebook post. 

"Aubree has Terminal Neuroblastoma. On Feb 15th, she will be celebrating her 11th birthday and she is excited to be here with the people she loves most for “one last birthday before she goes to heaven” as Aubs will tell you..." 

If you have some spare time to send a card, Sheriff Bieber is hoping to fill her mailbox. 

"Remind her that even though you may be a stranger to her, she is so very loved and everyone is thinking of her," Sheriff Bieber said. 

Send cards to:

Aubree Harrison
N3876 County Road D
Clintonville, WI 54929

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