Injured crossing guard moves legs for first time

GREENDALE-Karen Ziglinski, 62, the crossing guard struck by a car on the job back on October 2nd, began to move her legs for the first time.

She began a new style of therapy Tuesday at a local rehabilitation center and was optimistic about getting home by Christmas. Although she may still be in a wheelchair.

\"Whether I'll be 100 percent I don't know,\" Ziglinski told CBS 58 News, \" Nobody knows. I want my life back. The way I had it. I'm sure I'll be able to attain most of it. I'm hoping for all of it.\"

Ziglinski suffered multiple fractures in both legs, a broken pelvis and numerous bumps and bruises.

She's told her boss she wants her old corner back near Norway and Arrowwood. But she will not be returning to work this year.

\"We were actually moving the leg trying to move the leg up. So, that's the new one today,\" Ziglinski shared.

\"I'm hoping people will pay a little more attention to what's outside of them when they're driving and what's around them. I'm hoping they take more notice.\"



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