"If He Doesn't Want to be Sheriff Anymore, He Can Resign" : Milwaukee Supervisor Calls Out Clarke

One Milwaukee County Supervisor is calling for Sheriff David Clarke to resign after four deaths in the Milwaukee County Jail in just six months. 
Thursday, Supervisor Supreme Moore Okomunde issued a statement saying the public needs answers. 

Supervisor  Moore Omokunde says the sheriff is more interested in making a name for himself across the country than solving what he says is "terribly wrong" within the Milwaukee County jail. 

"It doesn't matter why you go to jail, I'm sure you're not sent there to die. So why aren't we given any answers?" asked Moore Omokunde. 

Four jail deaths in six months in Milwaukee County, including a newborn baby. 

Moore Omokunde says the public should demand answers from Sheriff David Clarke. 

"At least three of the deaths have been caused by the actions or lack of actions by Sheriff Clark's correction officers yet not a single officer has been disciplined," said Moore Omokunde. 

 The supervisor says neither families nor public officials are being told what caused these deaths. 

"He has abdicated his responsibility to hold his officers accountable for their actions or lack of actions and he should resign immediately," he said.

In fact-a report released by a court appointed jail monitor shows even he didn't get answers, saying some deaths are missing autopsies and death summaries and "for none of the deaths have I received a corrective action plan"

Ed Budge represents the family of Terrill Thomas and says hes been involved in jail death cases across the nation and he's never worked with a sheriff so completely detached from his jail. 

"Here we have someone who seems to be much more interested in flying around the country and twittering and tweeting and making public appearances when jail and the overall sheriff's office he's overseeing obviously has something very wrong with it," said Budge. 

Clarke issued this statement on Thursday in response to the supervisor saying "Supervisor who? That sounds like some character in a science fiction comic book and he's upset that I helped Donald J. Trump get elected POTUS."

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