Grandmother of 10-year old shooting victim grateful for community support

MILWAUKEE-- As 13-year old Erica Lofton took the microphone at Redemption Fellowship Church, she sang a song of hope for her friend Sierra Guyton.

\"This is beautiful, this is beautiful to see the community come together,\" said Bridgette Perry, Sierra's grandmother.

Perry was there as members of the community raised money to help Sierra's family pay for her medical bills.

\"Sierra was loved by so many people,\" said Perry, \"and her mother and father, we're just asking the community to pray for them.\"

The 10-year old was shot in the head-- during crossfire at her school playground last month.

\"That was the most horrible day of my life,\" Perry recalled.

As the community prays for Sierra's recovery-- her friends say this is their way of taking a stand.

\"Let the children speak,\" said Lofton, \"because we don't have a voice, and if we speak-- things will start to change.\"

Lofton helped organize Friday night's fundraiser.  She's President of \"Girls in Action\"-- where Sierra is a member.

\"We knew Sierra, and Sierra's really nice,\" said Lofton, emphasizing the importance of the fundraiser, \"and it's just really important because we need to stop the gun violence.\"

It's going to be a long road to recovery, but Perry says Sierra is making progress.

\"She's got some movement,\" said Perry.

Until Sierra is out of the hospital-- her family says all they can do-- is keep their faith.

\"There's a God, that's looking out for Sierra, she's our angel,\" said Perry.

\"Girls in Action\" collected $774 at Friday night's fundraiser, they will also hold more fundraisers for Sierra this summer.  Lofton says their goal is to raise more than $14,000 for their Sierra's medical expenses.  


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