Governor Scott Walker outlines 2018 goals in weekly radio address
WISCONSIN (CBS 58) -- On Thursday, Governor Scott Walker released his weekly radio address, titled "Looking Ahead to 2018."
In the address, Governor Walker highlights priorities for 2018 as "student success, healthy families and seniors, removing barriers to work, and building a strong workforce."
Listen to the address by clicking here.
See a full transcript of the address below:
"Hi, Scott Walker here.
2017 was a great year for the state of Wisconsin, but there’s more work to be done and we’re ready to keep moving our state forward in 2018.
Student success is a key priority for us in the coming year, and I’m proud that we now invest more actual dollars into our schools than ever before. This year we put in an additional $200 per student into every school in the state, and we’ll add another $204 on top of that next school year.
We also made major investments in our technical college system and into the University of Wisconsin system. Plus, to make college more affordable, we froze tuition for six years in a row and provided more needs-based financial assistance than ever before.
Healthcare is another priority, and I’m pleased that a recent report shows that healthcare systems in Wisconsin are ranked number one in the nation for quality. We’re also one of the top states in the country for access to healthcare coverage, and we ended the waiting list for children needing long-term care.
We’re also removing barriers to work so that people can transition from government dependence to true independence, and putting in place work requirements and screening to ensure those seeking public assistance can pass a drug test. For those who fail, we provide rehabilitation because we know we can find a job and a career path for everyone who’s able to work. You see, more people are working in Wisconsin than ever before, and we need everyone who is able to work to be engaged in the workforce.
Student success, healthy families and seniors, removing barriers to work, and building a strong workforce are our priorities for 2018.Working together, we can keep moving Wisconsin forward."