Event calling for end to reckless driving in Milwaukee interrupted by police pursuit
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Family and friends of 16-year-old Joseph Blunt are still trying to wrap their heads around his death.
Blunt was sitting on the hood of a car Tuesday morning when the driver took off.
His family tells us that one of Blunt's sisters was in the vehicle and she told the driver to stop before her brother got hurt.
The driver braked and Blunt was thrown from the vehicle and killed. Blunt is the latest victim of reckless driving in Milwaukee.
Community leaders came together Wednesday night to demand change but they didn't expect a dangerous interruption to help make their point.
Community leaders and state legislators got together to talk about how fix a rash of reckless driving incidents. As State Representative David Bowen spoke, a car came flying by.
It was the exact reason why community leaders and legislators stood on the corner of 12th and Concordia calling for solutions for reckless driving.
An SUV police tried to stop a few blocks before the rally blew past a stop sign. Officers took off after the suspect who eventually abandoned the car in an alley and ran.
"I know we just witnessed that little fiasco there, it's sad that in the midst of what happened yesterday, it's still happening," said Andre Lee Ellis, founder of "We Got This."
Ellis says the goal of "We Got This" is to get young people to stop and think about consequences. He was joined by state legislators who also want to find solutions to reckless driving.
"We are working on a piece of legislation related to traffic enforcement, related to the stop and go at red lights but speeders as well," said State. Rep. David Crowley.
The group says adults also need to take an active role in the lives of young people.
"If you're riding with someone who can't respect traffic laws, it's better to take the bus," said Bowen.
"My call to action is this - let's get busy," said Ellis.
As part of the "Stop and Live" initiative, the group will go door to door handing out brochures about community resources and safe driving tips.
As for the driver of the car that flew past the press conference, police are still looking for him. They do know who he is, however.