Elmbrook Humane Society waves adoption fees

Through January 4, 2015, Elmbrook Humane Society (EBHS) is waiving all adoption fees.  Last week, two local organizations, Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Care and Control Commission and Wisconsin Humane Society, announced a similar promotion thanks to a gift by Skylark Vending.  Wanting to impact the lives of as many animals and people as possible through pet adoption this holiday season, Skylark Vending and the Kass Family extended their generosity by making a gift to EBHS to sponsor the adoption fees of all animals in their care.  

“This is a fantastic opportunity to enrich your life through adoption,” shared Heather Gehrke, Executive Director.  “Through this gift by the Kass Family, you have an opportunity to forgo the adoption fee which allows you the opportunity to invest the money saved for other needs such as training, care, and supplies,” Heather went on to explain.

Realizing not every home is in a position to add a pet during the holidays, adoption fees will be waived into the first part of 2015.  “It is our goal to ensure that homes add pets to their lives when the time is best for everyone and for some, the holidays are very busy,” shared Heather.

EBHS asks anyone considering adding a furry or feathered friend to their life, to stop in and meet with an adoption counselor to explore if your next family member is at EBHS waiting to be found.  EBHS adoption counselors are excited to help make great matches so that as many cats, dogs, and small animals in need find a new home this holiday season that showers them with love and attention and in return, you will find a faithful and loving companion! 

EBHS is open from 1pm – 6pm Monday thru Friday and 11am – 5pm Saturday and Sunday; EBHS will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. 
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