Easy Ways to Master The Grill
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of grilling season. Whole Foods Market has some great ideas to make your experience charred-free!
Burgers you want to cook it over the heat, but avoid the urge to press down, squeezing out the good juices.
New York Strip, this is a naturally tender cut, so it only needs a bit of salt and pepper to season. You know you have a good cut when there is an abundant of marbling. Marbling is flecks of fat with in the lean cut. Cuts that are considered ‘Prime’ have an abundance of marbling, ‘Choice’ is modest marbling and ‘Select’ is slight marbling.
Sausages like the brats here, you want to start off on a high heat to get a nice char on the outside and then move them to a cooler part of the grill to finish cooking through.
Pork spare ribs are actually better pre-baked and then moved to the grill for that mouth-watering smoky flavor.
Larger cuts of meat like a roast, chuck, or brisket, you want to use indirect heat. These cuts demand long, slow cooking and fare much better away from the direct flame.
Chicken works well over a direct heat. You want to do breast-side down, turning the pieces every 2-5 minutes. You want to rotate the pieces around the grill to ensure even cooking. Chicken that is cooked enough will feel springy when pressed. If you're uncertain, cut into the thickest part of one piece. The meat should still be juicy, but the juices should be clear, never reddish.
Fish cooks quickly on the grill, making it a good summer favorite. Once you put fish on the grill, don't touch it for at least three minutes. A crust needs to form on the outside, which will allow the fish to naturally pull away from the grates. Once the crust has formed, it can be flipped over without sticking or falling apart. Remove it from the grill as soon as it's done; it will continue to cook once it has been removed from the fire.
Make sure you click on the attached link to determine the safest temperature when it comes to cooking meat, fish, or poultry.