Dodge County Firefighter's Tournament Celebrating 119 Years

For 119 years, firefighters in Dodge County have gathered the community and several departments for a fun, yet challenging competition, plus fundraiser and parade.

This the softball tournament beings July 31st with a full range of activities through the weekend.

The center of activity is City Park on Lincoln Drive in Juneau.

Although there are adjoining activities, including the Dodge County Fire Queen Contest August 4th that will be held at the Juneau Community Center at 7 p.m.

Other highlights include the Water Ball Tournament at 2 p.m. on August 6th and the Parade and Pork Dinner Fundraiser Sunday August 7th.

The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. with the barbecue to follow.

Refreshments are available for purchase.

There is no cover for the bands that will provide entertainment.

For more information click here

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