Doctor shares advice on how to check if you’re immunized against the measles
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) — While no cases of the measles have been reported in Wisconsin, doctors say there are things people can do to make sure they are protected
“The best way to know if you’re up to date is number one: see if you can’t find records of when you were last vaccinated,” Dr. Adam King, a primary care doctor who specializes in internal medicine and pediatrics at McKinley Health Center for Froedert & Medical College of Wisconsin
King says people living in Wisconsin can look up their records on the Wisconsin Immunization Registry
“There’s a decent chance that the Wisconsin Immunization record is going to have some or all of your vaccine dates, times, where you got them,” he said
He also says parents and baby books are also a good place to look for immunization records
“If you were ever in a government organization, military or some other service, have some degree of a copy of previous immunizations.”
If you aren’t able to find your records, doctors can do some blood testing
“There’s some relatively basic blood testing that we can get that’s back in a relatively short period of time and gives you as to whether or not you’re immune to the measles virus,” King said.
King also says getting another dose of the vaccine is an option.
”The practical harm of an injection in an arm is really minuscule compared to the potential benefit.”
For the Wisconsin Immunization Registry, click here.