Bucks President: Arena Development is a Renaissance Moment for Milwaukee

The Bucks have high hopes for a new Arena as the anchor of a huge development in downtown Milwaukee.

Bucks President Peter Feigin talked at the Medical College of Wisconsin today.

The focus of much of his talk was the acres of space around the Bucks arena.

He called this arena development a "Renaissance Moment" for the city of Milwaukee.

Feigin envisions skating rinks, farmers markets, pep rallies, festivals and maybe a boutique hotel surrounding the arena.

“So this is a complete failure if we don't get people living and working in this area in addition to coming as a destination to play,” Feigin said.

Feigin said the bucks looked at what was done right at other arenas across the country.

He mentioned Columbus, Ohio, Kansas City and Brooklyn as examples of what the Bucks are trying to accomplish.

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