$25,000 grant helps Sherman Park Grocery Store give customers gift cards and improve operations

NOW: $25,000 grant helps Sherman Park Grocery Store give customers gift cards and improve operations

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Folks shopping at Sherman Park Grocery Store got the chance to take home some groceries for free on Saturday, March 2.

The store got a $25,000 grant from FHL Bank of Chicago and Spring Bank. 

That money, with extra help from Americans for Prosperity allowed the store to give away 100 $60 gift cards to customers. 

The store's owner says the cash helps the store serve one of Milwaukee's food desert's and gives customers a chance to get fresh and healthy groceries. 

"Groceries have literally went up directly through the roof."

"If food is considered justice, then our customers, with cutting off the Covid benefits, the need has went nowhere, but the shortage is still here," said Maurice "Moe" Wince, owner. 

Money from the grant is also helping the store buy new equipment for their hot bar and goes towards their general operations. 

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