Traffic changes coming to Lincoln Memorial Drive as War Memorial Center undergoes construction

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- You may have noticed the bright orange construction barrels lining Lincoln Memorial Drive. That's because big changes are coming to the War Memorial Center. 

“Greenprint”, as the project is called, promotes the long-term health of Milwaukee’s heavily used lakefront with the installation of stormwater management techniques including permeable pavers to reduce runoff, bioswales to capture rainwater, native landscaping and a dry-rock channel that conveys stormwater during rain events.

According to a news release, these changes will transform the existing parking lot into a more park-like setting providing more green space for the community while improving water quality and habitats.

Drivers should watch for changes to the existing traffic patterns on the Mason Street bridge and Lincoln Memorial Drive in early starting April 29, with the start of Phase two which will also include more pedestrian-friendly walkways and improvements to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Phase one will be completed in early summer.

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