Stuffing Oneself at The State Fair "Cream Puff Eating Competition"

I had the honor and privilege of taking part in the annual Cream Puff eating competition at State Fair.  Although I didn't take first place, I'm sure glad I participated.  The object is simple.  You eat three cream puffs in two and a half minutes.  That's it!  Oh yeah, you can't use your hands at all except to open the box.  

This year's winner is Tanner Jay from 94.5 KTI Country.  He gets a trophy and plaque.  

Earlier in the morning, during the CBS58 Morning News, I was given a little guidance from a past winner, Heather Decaire.  She works in marketing for the Admirals.  She won three years in a row.  The best advice she gave me was to stand up, lean over, and just dig in.  And devour the food as fast as you can.

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