Ski resorts welcome recent snowfall after slow start to the season

NOW: Ski resorts welcome recent snowfall after slow start to the season

PORTAGE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Ski resorts are welcoming the first significant snowfall that touched down in many parts of Wisconsin this week.

It comes after snow has been sparse for most of the region. With more snow in the forecast this weekend, the industry is hoping to cash in on the much-needed revenue.

For weeks the staff at Cascade Mountain have been filling up their artificial snow machines to make sure there's enough powder for the season. They opened Thanksgiving weekend with limited runs due to a mostly snow-less season.

Now, they're taking a sigh of relief after the recent snowfall which is bringing a boost in sales.

"It was bit of a slow start for us, we starting seeing it ramp up quite a bit the last week with school on winter break and obviously some natural snow gets people thinking of skiing, snowboarding and tubing," said Evan Walz, marketing director, Cascade Mountain.

Customers were especially excited for the fresh powder as it makes for great snowboarding and skiing conditions.

"I thought it was great compared to my first time out, much more powder and no wind," said Melinda Knepp of Illinois.

"The more regular snow and the more powder you have it's a lot better," said Kevin Keough from Sheboygan.

Snow and cold weather are key to the industry especially after dealing with back-to-back mild winters. Visitors are encouraging others to hit the slopes now that the weather is cooperating.

"[The weather] definitely made it feel more like the season," said James Armstrong from Illinois. "It's fun, get out and enjoy the snow -- it's beautiful."

Officials are remaining hopeful the weather continues to weigh in their favor and if the forecast doesn't blow their way, they're prepared.

"Whether not we get any snow throughout the entire season, will still be here as long as we got the temperatures," said Walz.

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