Racine Man Charged in Fatal Accident that Killed His Passenger After Consuming Bowl of Marijuana

A Racine man has been charged in a fatal accident that killed his passenger after he allegedly consumed a bowl of marijuana.

Christopher Hetchler has been charged with homicide by vehicle, operate with detectable amount of restricted controlled substance in blood causing injury, possession of tetrahydrocannibols and possession of drug paraphernalia.

On Monday, Hetchler allegedly failed to yield the right of way while making a left turn in Mount Please at the intersection of Hwy 20 and 90th Street. This caused the Ford Ranger operated by another driver to strike the passenger side of Hetchler’s vehicle.

The collision sent both vehicles spinning.

Officers made contact with the Ranger vehicle’s driver who said he was ok.

Hetchler was observed apologizing to his passenger who was slumped over in the passenger seat motionless and bleeding.

The passenger’s side of the vehicle was completely crushed and caved in.

The odor of marijuana was emanating from the vehicle, according to the complaint.

In the center console were two baggies containing marijuana as well as a broken pipe.

On Friday, the passenger passed away due to his injuries.

Hetchler admitted to police he smoked a bowl of marijuana 10 minutes before the accident.

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