Mr. 400: Milwaukee Wave player Ian Bennett hits major milestone

Mr. 400: Milwaukee Wave player Ian Bennett hits major milestone

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- For Ian Bennett of the Milwaukee Wave, goal 400 of his Major Arena Soccer League career was a beautiful mystery.

"I knew, I think probably like two games before that I was close. Somebody actually said it to me," Ian Bennett says. "I think a fan actually said it. They're like, are you going to go for 400? I'm like, if I'm close. And then they brought up the number. I think I was like three away. And I was like, yeah, might as well try."

Now if you take his entire career, it's even more impressive among goal scoring greats.

"They're only taking like the MASL," Bennett says. "So technically if you wanna go crazy, I should be up there because they're not taking, like, I think five or six years because it was a different league. And so, but yeah, I think Michael King, Franck Tayou, and myself."

Yet for the longtime Wave goal scorer, he's more interested in "team," than "me."

"I chase rings, right?" Bennett says. "That's the only thing I chase. MVPs, scoring titles, if they come, that's awesome, right? But wins are what keep you to be a legend, right? The most wins you have? It's like Michael Jordan and LeBron James, right? Until LeBron catches him a little bit? Then he still won't be the GOAT, right? Michael Jordan will be the GOAT."

At 41, Ian's energy and drive remain nearly unmatched.

"You gotta take care of your body," Bennett says. "Obviously ice and injury prevention, right? Just to make sure. But I think it's your diet. Your sleep. You gotta drink water. You just gotta take care of your body. You gotta stretch. It's just almost like, again, I rate myself under Cristiano Ronaldo, right? I try to follow exactly what he does because he's still playing at a high level. And he's getting old. I'm built different, right? Like this guy. If he was feeling good, if he was feeling bad, the guy always brought it on the field."

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