Milwaukee car thefts persist despite overall decrease in 2022

NOW: Milwaukee car thefts persist despite overall decrease in 2022

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee police say cases of stolen cars have dropped this year, but the issue remains persistent in the city.

A Greenfield family had their Kia stolen when they left the car at a parking structure downtown to go to Bastille Days on Sunday. 

They returned about 15 minutes later to find it was stolen. 

The car was found hours later on Palmer Street with a window broken, but the car's owner told CBS 58 through her daughter's translation that she no longer feels safe going to downtown Milwaukee for events.

"I'm really scared to be honest with you," said Daniela and Beatriz Galindo. "I don't want to be traveling to downtown anymore, I'm taking classes right there but I don't want to go there no more because of the same fear."

Milwaukee police say car thefts are down 12% compared to last year.

In a community report published earlier this month, they say they are working on a number of strategies to address the issue.

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