Hardhats building Bucks' arena make routine of daily stretch
MILWAUKEE (AP) -- The hundreds of construction workers putting up the new Milwaukee Bucks arena stretch, bend, squat and wiggle -- all before 7 a.m.
The daily loosening-up regimen is a priority for Minnesota-based Mortenson Construction, which is managing the $524 million project.
Mel Langlais, safety director for the company's Milwaukee Operating Group, tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (http://bit.ly/2qNkdyf ) that the morning sessions aren't just about stretching. Langlais says they are a cultural thing that set a tone for the rest of the day.
Mortenson started daily stretching on its job sites about 20 years ago. Langlais says the company saw immediate benefits including a reduced injury rate. They even have workers do a second session after the lunch break.