Driver hits and kills family dog, drives off without apology

KENOSHA -- Gilbert Rosales is a Marine living in Kenosha.  He's always had the Marine Corps' mascot, an English bulldog, as a pet. 

But Sunday morning he was forced to bury that dog - and wants the person responsible to know he won't soon forget.

\"It was like slow motion,\" Rosales' wife, Rachel, said.

The Rosales family had just let Passion outside Sunday morning as they always do.

But this time passion wouldn't make it back.

\"[A driver] Hit my dog, never stopped, never applied the brakes, just left,\" Gilbert said.

Rosales says a man driving a gray car hit passion on the side of the road. The 10-year-old dog died on the spot.  Gilbert chased the driver down.

\"I said, 'Dude, you just killed my dog.'  And I said it again, 'You killed my dog.'  And he goes, 'I didn't know I hit anything.'   And then I yelled, 'Then why are you outside looking at your vehicle?'\"

Gilbert says the driver had a car full of Kenosha News papers and he thinks he's a delivery man.  Police initially told the Rosales family on the phone there was nothing they could do because Passion wasn't on a leash.  That's when the delivery man drove off again.

\"He didn't even come out to say, 'I'm sorry,'  anything, nothing,\" Rachel Rosales said.  \"No acknowledgment at all.\"

Kenosha Police eventually agreed to come to the scene and work on a possible citation for the driver.  Gilbert called the  newspaper, says he was promised someone would come to his home, but no one ever showed.

\"He had to go on that gravel, you know, to hit her,\" Gilbert said.  \"And then for him not even to care.  I mean, nothing.\"

Gilbert posted photos and the story to Facebook.  Within minutes, people posted on the Kenosha News page demanding the driver  face consequences. 

Kenosha News Publisher Ken Dowdell tells CBS 58, \"We haven't determined that it was anyone associated with Kenosha News.\" He adds they are still checking into this.

Dowdell says none of the descriptions of the vehicle or driver match the person they would have had in the area at the time of the accident.

\"I just hope he realizes that he hurt a family,\" Rachel said.

A family forced to bury one of its own.

 \"I can't change the clock back, or else if i could... I wouldn't have taken her out that one moment either,\" Gilbert said.

The Rosales family admits Passion should have been on a leash, but they believe the driver was at fault too.

Gilbert says he can forgive the driver, but plans to cancel his Kenosha news subscription based on principle.

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