Committee Approves Plan to Expand Transit Service from Milwaukee to Suburbs

A plan to expand transit service to suburban job hubs was approved by the Milwaukee County Board Committee on Finance, Personnel and Audit, on October 30. 
“Transit is not only about the quality of life in Milwaukee County, it’s about economic development,” said Mayo, a member of the Finance Committee. “Companies cannot thrive unless their workers can get to the facilities, and in many cases those firms are located outside of Milwaukee County. This amendment will help get people to their jobs and allow them to support their families.”
The Committee adopted an amendment from Supervisor Michael Mayo, Sr. and Board Chairman Theodore Lipscomb, Sr., that would provide $600,000 to allow expanded transit service with faster service to suburban job hubs via the new 80X Service. The expanded route would provide service that would better connect job seekers to employers along a corridor from Port Washington Road in Ozaukee County and northern Milwaukee County, and along Howell Avenue in southern Milwaukee County.
The Finance Committee is requesting the state to grant authority to the County for creation of a Regional Transit Authority for the purpose of levying a 0.5 percent sales tax as a dedicated source of funding for transit services.
“A regional transit authority is an idea that is long past due,” Mayo said. “Transit cannot be isolated to Milwaukee County because not all of the jobs are in Milwaukee County. A sales tax and regional transit authority would not only expand service, it would provide much-needed funding for our current transit system into the counties surrounding Milwaukee County.”
The County Board will hold a public hearing on the 2016 Proposed Budget at the Mitchell Park Domes, 524 S. Layton Blvd., at 6:30 PM on Monday, November 2 for the Board to get public input and help determine the County’s priorities for the coming year.
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