Alderman Proposes Banning Sale of Coal Tar Sealants

A proposed ordinance authored by Alderman Jim Bohl and recommended for approval earlier today by the Public Works Committee would ban the use and sale of coal tar sealants.

This sealant is typically used on driveways, parking lots and playgrounds during paving projects.

According to a release by Ald. Bohl, coal tar materials have been shown to contain a highly toxic additive that poses serious health and environmental dangers.

Alderman Bohl said coal tar sealants have been shown to contain heavy amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – or PAHs – a known human carcinogen.

“These PAHs can be washed over time into rivers, streams, and lakes, and they can be tracked into homes and buildings on our shoes or via dust,” Alderman Bohl said. “We need to be out front on this immediate health and environmental threat, and the citywide ban is the best first step we can take.”

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