102 year old Sheboygan woman will throw out Brewer's game first pitch

Gladys Hoolbrook has been a lifelong Brewer's fan, and at 102 years old, 'take me out to the ball game' will take on a whole new meaning for Gladys Hoolbrook. She'll be firing the first pitch at the Brewers game.

\"My friend nominated me she told me one time we've got to get you down there and I thought I'll never get down there\"

Gladys had been a lifelong fan who started watching the team when they first started in Milwaukee. Now she has brewers blankets, bobble heads, hats and gear.

But instead of watching the game on TV she'll be center stage with her own fans. Her family, church, and some retirement home friends will be in the stands.

Gladys says, \"I never dreamed I'd be doing anything like this I hope I won't make a botch of it or something.\"

She says she hopes to meet Lucroy, a personal favorite. And she also hopes her arm of 102 years won't give out on her when the moment comes.

\"I won't guarantee how far I'm gonna throw it.\"

Gladys will be throwing out the pitch on the 31st if you'd like to catch her.

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