Thieves target several Milwaukee-area Walgreens

NOW: Thieves target several Milwaukee-area Walgreens

BROOKFIELD (CBS 58) -- Several Walgreens stores in the area have been robbed this week. Thieves hit locations in Brookfield, Brown Deer and Milwaukee.

The city of Brookfield Police said a snatch and grab theft happened at the Walgreens on Greenfield Avenue on Christmas Eve. Eleven suspects used to carts to load up stolen items and then leave the store. Two cars loaded the stolen merchandise and then fled the scene.

Brookfield shoppers said they're shocked.

“I come here all the time and would never expect that,” Shopper Pam McGroarty said.  

A similar robbery happened in Brown Deer. The Walgreens on West Brown Deer Road was also hit on Christmas Eve by a snatch and grab. Police said five thieves pushed four carts full of stolen merchandise out of the store and fled.

A Milwaukee Walgreens was robbed Thursday morning. Police said the suspect showed a gun and demanded money at the Walgreens at 76th and Clovernook around 3:40 a.m.

Police said there have also been two similar incidents in Wauwatosa. Greenfield Police Sgt. Matt Borchardt said snatch and grab robberies can go unnoticed.

“These people may not be showing any indication to store employees that they're going to steal the merchandise until they’re past the cash register and are already in the parking lot,” Sgt. Borchardt said.

While Greenfield has not seen a Walgreens robbery this week, Sgt. Borchardt said there are signs shoppers can look out for like someone concealing merchandise, loading up a large amount of high priced items, or looking around to see if someone is watching them.

If you have any information on the thieves in these robberies, please contact police.

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