Resolve Through Sharing helping families coping with untimely loss of children

NOW: Resolve Through Sharing helping families coping with untimely loss of children

Nothing can tear at the fabric of a family more than the untimely death of a child.

Resolve Through Sharing is a support group which meets at the Women's Pavilion at Aurora West Allis Hospital aimed at those who have lost a child either by miscarriage, still birth, or death shortly after the child enters the world.

In a recent interview with the CBS 58 News at 4 p.m., mom Sarah Dominguez opened up about the heartache of losing her son Ty who was still born but also finding a way to smile now when telling his story.

"Going home with an empty heart and empty arms is gut wrenching enough," Dominguez told CBS 58's Michele McCormack. "But they've put together a baby box with a mold of the baby's feet and hand. Our nurse made his hand so he could hold my hand and hold my thumb in his hand."

It is a welcome departure from years ago when parents of still born babies were shunned and blamed.

Some estimates say as many as 70% of marriages end in divorce after the loss of a child.

"But we committed to each other that we didn't want it to happen." Dominquez says of her husband. "Three weeks after we lost our son we came in. There were four other women."

Since first taking part in the Resolve Through Sharing group three years ago, attendance has grown and includes not just mothers, but fathers, grandparents and significant others."

Registered Nurse Machelle Minster runs the program.

"It can be for anyone," says Minster."The loss can be at any gestational period. It could have happened years or weeks ago. Even children lost months after coming home, from SIDS, we welcome them. 

Dominguez says the best part is that no matter what your feelings, you are validated through the group.

"All of your feelings, anger, sadness, grief, guilt, or just  being numb to everything," says Dominguez.  "It's helped us in marriage and with other people and helped us tell our story without that heavy burden of sadness."

Resolve Through Sharing meets at the Women's Pavilion at Aurora West Allis the first Wednesday of every month from 7-9 p.m.

To see the entire interview click here

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