Profiling the candidates: Gov. Scott Walker

NOW: Profiling the candidates: Gov. Scott Walker

(CBS 58) – CBS 58 is getting to know the candidates for Wisconsin governor. On Monday, CBS 58's Brendan Cullerton played Euchre with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers and now he's flipping burgers with Governor Walker.

"This is actually pretty good. It brings back some memories because I flipped burgers as a kid," incumbent Governor Scott Walker said.

Governor Walker says he worked at the local Delevan McDonald's growing up.

"In fact, Paul Ryan worked at the one in Janesville. I worked at the one in Delevan. Paul's manager told him he had to flip hamburgers in the back because he didn't have the interpersonal skills to work the front cash register," Walker said.

The Republican gubernatorial candidate says he still likes to grill brats and burgers but often keeps it simple at home.

"I can live off of pizza. Put a pizza in," Walker said.  "My wife says if she ever went away for a long period of time, I would just eat pizza all day."

Walker helped with the George Webb promotion for the Milwaukee Brewers and cheers on all Wisconsin teams but says football is his favorite sport.

"I played football. My kids played football at Wauwatosa East. I played at Delevan Darien. I was a linebacker and a fullback – wasn't that great," Walker told CBS 58.

His opponent, Tony Evers, plays Euchre with his family. Walker says he played anything from Apples to Apples or Catch Phrase with his.

"We still, earlier this summer we were playing Monopoly on a rainy day," Walker said.

He says when he has free time, he and his wife Tonette will ride their pontoon boat on Lake Minota but they don't always do everything together. He says if his wife is watching The Bachelor or Bachelorette, he'll go out on his motorcycle, the same motorcycle he's had for the last 15 years.

"You've got to remember I'm a guy that up until my son went to college, I had a Saturn stick shift from the 1990s that I drove. Up until I was governor, I drove it every day to the county executive."

Walker says he's a thrill seeker.

While Evers' favorite part of the State Fair is the animal competitions, Walker goes on the rides every year.

"So I just love the thrill and the rush. It's a little bit like my job. I always take whoever the fairest of the fair is. And Alice in Dairyland goes with us. And I just have a blast. Maybe that's why I ride a motorcycle too," Walker said.

He says after all his experience since he was a kid, he might not be as fast, but he can still get the job done making burgers.

Brendan also sat down with the Democratic and Republican candidates for Wisconsin Attorney General. Those profiles will air later this week on the CBS 58 News at 4.

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